Mobile Phone Repairs: 5 Surprising Facts

2 min readJun 22, 2021


With every passing day — and practically every second — we are becoming more and more dependent on our smartphones to function in our daily lives. We use our phones to look up movie times, find a great brownie recipe, talk to our moms, keep tabs on our children… We use them for everything.

In light of this, going without a phone or living with a damaged handset is becoming less and less of an option.

Here are 5 surprising facts about mobile phone repairs.

Mobile Phone Repairs: 5 Surprising Facts
1.Approximately 51.2 million iPhones were sold last quarter by Apple

Beginning in April 2016, Apple released its Q2 2016 financial statistics. Despite the smartphone titan reporting a decline in sales for the first time in 13 years, that’s still a healthy trade! On average, 13% of iPhone owners report living with cracked screens, or other cosmetic damages, which translates to 17 million new devices every three months to be kept in perfect working order.

2.The two most common smartphone activities are texting and taking photos

Despite the fact that a smartphone is called a “smartphone”, that is only the tip of the iceberg of what these wonder devices are capable of. Heck, most of us barely use the voice functions of our phones at all, except to order pizza when emoji isn’t available. As a result, it is more important than ever to maintain the condition of our screens. Cracked screens aren’t just an eyesore; they can also pose a health risk. Cut fingers are just one example, not to mention limited activities or data theft.

3.About 12% of iPhones are damaged by beer spills. The most common cause of mobile phone repair is water damage. The water in that picture is specifically water. One out of every eight mobile phones is damaged by alcohol-related accidents!

4.Spilled soda is the second most common cause of liquid damage.

Liquid damage is usually caused by spilled water, but soda is close behind. Sticky, sugary liquids are even more difficult to remove from your handsets than regular Hydrogen Hydroxide. So leave your Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb at home!

5.First-year are golden if they manage to survive. The average iPhone, iPad, and Samsung Galaxy are damaged in the first year after obtaining them. It can, tragically, happen when we are using our brand new, high-tech device just a few weeks after we get it.

Are you in need of mobile Phone Repairs Darwin after your new smartphone was damaged? Your older model may just need to be tuned up a bit. You can have the screen of a Phone Repairs Darwin in as little as 24 hours, no matter what the issue is!




The DARWIN CELLULAR is a leading repairer of mobile phones for over 10years. We can repair most brands and offer a fast, reliable service at very